- Lego- Lego is made out of ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene). The advantages of this is that...
- It is ideal for the injection moulding process as all pieces are going to be exactly the same
- Durability (pieces knocking together in the box). As well as children throwing and the pieces about
- Free of any toxins as it is used for childrens toys which could inflict health problems, although it is restricted to children above the age of 3 due to small hazardous parts.
- Plumbing Pipes and Guttering- Plastic piping is most commonly produced by PVC (PolyVinyl Chloride. This is because...
- It can be extruded easily during maufacture
- It can be easily shaped with the presence of a plasticizer
- It is cheap to produce therefore cost effective
- Waterproof allowing for suitable water drainage
- Low maintenance making it ideal for permenant fixtures
- HDPE can be used in injection moulding, cheap and efficient with no waste product
- HDPE is resistant to impact damage
- Resistant to sharp object.
- HDPE can spread the impact force over a larger surface area minimalising impact for